Mountain Peak Elementary & Preschool 1833 Sunset Place, Longmont CO • Follow Us
An independent, nonsectarian school for Preschool through 6th grade.
Quality Preschool at Mountain Peak School in Longmont
    Preschool Program

3 & 4 Year Olds


Preschool Program

Our Preschool Program is designed to provide a strong foundation of learning and individual development to prepare each child for the future. An inspired, balanced curriculum is created by our degreed educators to meet the needs of each class and challenge each child at his/her own level.

When you enter our colorful preschool classroom you might see the children enthusiastically acting out the animals of our Zoo-phonics reading program, blending sounds, or reading with their elementary school "reading buddy". If the monthly theme is India, the children might be dressing up in saris, applying a bindi, and sampling Indian treats. Look in the dramatic play area to see children playing cooperatively in the pizza parlor or the western barn. Check down in the "Big Room" to see them learning a forward roll or kicking balls in their daily P.E. class. During circle time, songs, rhymes, and stories encourage lively discussions. And tucked into each cubby is a young "Picasso's" art project waiting to be admired by a proud family member. Together, all of these activities promote your child's cognitive, social, and physical development. Our small class size further enables us to offer enriching experiences to help develop each child's self-confidence and love of learning.
MPPS is a member of the Boulder Area Consortium of Independent Schools •